Interrogatories to parties shall be governed generally by Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.340, with the following exceptions.

(a) Service of Interrogatories.

(1) Initial Interrogatories. Initial interrogatories to parties in original and enforcement actions shall be those set forth in Family Law Form 12.930(b). Parties governed by the mandatory disclosure requirements of rule 12.285, may serve the interrogatories set forth in Family Law Form 12.930(b) as set forth in rule 1.340.

(2) Modification Interrogatories. Interrogatories to parties in cases involving modification of a final judgment shall be those set forth in Family Law Form 12.930(c). Parties governed by the mandatory disclosure requirements of rule 12.285 may serve the interrogatories set forth in Family Law Form 12.930(c) as set forth in rule 1.340.

(b) Additional Interrogatories. Ten interrogatories, including subparts, may be sent to a party, in addition to the standard interrogatories contained in Family Law Form 12.930(b) or Family Law Form 12.930(c). A party must obtain permission of the court to send more than ten additional interrogatories.


1995 Adoption. For parties governed under the disclosure requirements of rule 12.285(d) (income or expenses of $50,000 or more), the answers to the interrogatories contained in Form 12.930(b) must be automatically served on the other party. For parties governed under the disclosure requirements of rule 12.285(c) (income and expenses under $50,000), the service of the interrogatories contained in Form 12.930(b) is optional as provided in Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.340. Additionally, under this rule, 10 additional interrogatories, including subparts, may be submitted beyond those contained in Family Law Form 12.930(b). Leave of court is required to exceed 10 additional interrogatories. The provisions of Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.340 are to govern the procedures and scope of the additional interrogatories.

Committee Note

1997 Amendment. The rule was amended to conform to the changes made to rule 12.285, Mandatory Disclosure.

Webmaster's Comment: Last Modified No. 89,955 Fevruary 26, 1998 Corrected Opinion

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